Friday, September 30, 2011

Research Weaknesses

There are a few areas that I am concerned about regarding the research project. One thing I am concerned about is writing a convincing and interesting introductory paragraph. I am also concerned about writing a conclusion paragraph that is strong and also different from the introductory paragraph. I have trouble not repeating myself in the conclusion. Another area regarding this research aspect of the project that i may have trouble with is finding enough sources. I may rely too much on certain sources, which could skew my paper to one viewpoint over another. I may have trouble finding enough academic sources. Finding a book appropriate to my topic my also prove to be a challenge.

 If we could spend time in class reviewing how to work on introductions and conclusions, it would be helpful. Also, reviewing how to write similar points in the introduction and the conclusion without being too repetitive would be very beneficial.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday Flyers

1. Friday Flyers were started in 2002

2. Each Friday Flyer is eight-feet long and made of aluminum

3. There is a Friday Flyer in the Hendrix Center

4. There are eight Friday Flyers scattered around campus

5. One of the Friday Flyers is pointed directly into the ground

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prompt #2

1. This image shows a very strong message. It is showing that smoking causes cancer. there is a pack of cigarettes on the left and the only words showing besides "king size" are "smoking causes cancer".  The rest of the box is blurred out, making it difficult to tell what brand of cigarettes is in the picture. One the right half in big bold letters it tells the audience that even the people trying to sell you the product are telling you that you will get cancer from using their cigarettes. The lack of any color from the advertisement emphasizes the seriousness of the issue that is being stated. There is nothing distracting the viewer from taking in the main message of the advertisement.

2. The seriousness, simplicity, and logic of the advertisement make a strong case about the dangers of smoking.

3. How?  The big, bold lettering shows the seriousness of the issue. It shows that smoking's problems should not be taken lightly. The lack of colors allows for nothing to distract the audience from the main idea being presented. The fact that the brand of cigarettes cannot be distinguished shows that any kind of cigarette causes cancer. The severing warning is a very logical way of providing evidence for anti-smoking. The warning shows that even the company making the cigarettes is telling the consumer that if they use their product, then they will get cancer. Also, when a person is unknowledgeable about a product, he or she will often read what is on the container for information, instructions, and warnings. Everything written on the container is accepted as a fact.
What are the contradictions? The simplicity could work against proving the point because it may not attract the attention of the viewer. Also, a more extreme image could be more convincing, such as somebody dying from using cigarettes.
How do I know this? I know this because through past experience I typically read the box of something that I am unfamiliar with before I use it.
Revised Thesis: The company's cancer warning regarding their own product, as well as the bold lettering and lack of color strongly shows that cigarettes causes cancer.

4. What do I find interesting about this? I find that the company telling the consumer something terribly wrong about their product very interesting. Also, having a lack of details is not typically the best way of proving a point.
How does it tap into larger cultural or social issues? The issue of smoking is a fairly large cultural issue. Recently, people are being banned from smoking from many public places, such as restaurants. This is because of all the problems caused by smoking and second-hand smoke.
Revised Thesis: The warning of cancer from a company to a consumer stresses how severe it must be for them to harm their sales. This, as well as the simplicity of the advertisement, make the audience never want to smoke cigarettes.

5. Why is this important? This is important because the company who made the advertisement is looking out for everyone who reads it and wants them to live a healthy, cancer-free life. This is the opposite of the companies who sell the cigarettes, who are trying to make money off of a product that will kill people.

Final Thesis: The advertisment is trying to keep the audience from getting cancer, through their serious and simple ad, while cigarette companies are trying to make money off of the audience using their cancer-causing product.